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What are the Keys to Building Enduring Supplier-Buyer Partnerships

05 Jun 2024
The Manufacturing Insights Theatre
Presentations and Q&A discussion

In today’s dynamic business landscape, forging strong and lasting partnerships between manufacturing suppliers and buyers is crucial. The panel will explore the critical factors that ensure top-quality, long-term collaborations. 

  • Joint business planning and shared long-term strategies for mutual growth and innovation 

  • Balancing price and quality: Negotiating fair pricing while maintaining product excellence 

  • Leveraging technology: Assessing suppliers’ adaptability and tech utilization 

  • Scalability and stability: Ensuring suppliers can meet increasing demand without compromising quality 

  • Trust and transparency: Building trust through reliability and consistent communication 

  • Security:  Ensuring your digital links are cyber-safe 

Andy Sandford, Editor - Engineering Capacity
Anil Thomas, Operations Director - Habasit UK Ltd
Claire Scott, Technology Adoption Specialist - Made Smarter North West